Yesaya Damaisan

Frontend Web Developer

Welcome to my Portfolio!
I'm a self-taught FE web developer.
As a FE web developer, I aim to deliver your values
through designs and functions.
Currently using several technologies such as
React.JS, Node.JS ,SASS, Bootstrap.


Below here are some of the website projects so far.
The technologies used in these projects includes SASS, Node.JS, other than HTML, CSS, Javascript.


Omnifood is a responsive real-world website. The website include form input CTA, gallery, and menu cards.

Visit link

Natours is a responsive travel website. The website comes up with pricing plan, testimonies, cards, and burger menu.

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Trillo is a responsive Hotel-booking website. This is showcase of basic UI, included in this landing page are menus, selected menu, star rating, and testimonies.

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Nexter is a responsive property website. This is UI showcase of a landing page. In this landing page included burger menu, property cards, included details, and gallery.

Visit link


Hello! Its Me!

Hi, I'm Yesaya Damaisan Telaumbanua. I'm a self-taught Frontend Web Developer. I start my journey as a FE Web Developer in 2021 when I learned about basic of HTML and CSS from a course site, Udemy. Since then I always try and experimenting with HTML, CSS mainly, and Javascript.
As a FE Web Developer, I'm not just designing and implementing codes to build a website. Rather, I want to one-step extra. I always try to know about the background and try to understand the value of my client. I always try to design website that can deliver the value and message of the client to the user.
For me, the one thing that is important in coding is always try to be more efficient. I try to organize codes in order that efficiently written, that is by not writing the same code if possible, and always try to make good use of libraries and frameworks.


  • : @yesayadamaisan
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